Commit f2876a83 by simetk

shuffled libraries

parent 3179d5fd
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <time.h>
#define RIVSIZE 5000
#define CACHESIZE 0
#define NONZEROS 2
#define EPSILON 0.8
#define MINPOINTS 15
#define UNCHECKED 0
#define NOISE -1
#include "RIVtoolsCPUlinux.h"
struct DBnode{
sparseRIV RIV;
int* indexes;
int indexCount;
int status;
void DBdive(int C, int i);
void directoryToL2s(char *rootString, sparseRIV** fileRIVs, int *fileCount);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
clock_t begintotal = clock();
int fileCount = 0;
sparseRIV *fileRIVs = (sparseRIV*) malloc(1*sizeof(sparseRIV));
char rootString[2000];
if(argc <2){
printf("give me a directory");
return 1;
strcpy(rootString, argv[1]);
strcat(rootString, "/");
directoryToL2s(rootString, &fileRIVs, &fileCount);
printf("fileCount: %d\n", fileCount);
sparseRIV* fileRIVs_slider = fileRIVs;
sparseRIV* fileRIVs_stop = fileRIVs+fileCount;
DBset = malloc(fileCount*sizeof(struct DBnode));
struct DBnode* DBset_slider = DBset;
while(fileRIVs_slider <fileRIVs_stop){
(*fileRIVs_slider).magnitude = getMagnitudeSparse(*fileRIVs_slider);
(*DBset_slider).RIV = *fileRIVs_slider;
(*DBset_slider).indexes = malloc(sizeof(int));
(*DBset_slider).indexCount = 0;
(*DBset_slider++).status = 0;
clock_t beginnsquared = clock();
float cosine;
denseRIV baseDense;
baseDense.values = malloc(RIVSIZE*sizeof(int));
for(int i=0; i<fileCount; i++){
memset(baseDense.values, 0, RIVSIZE*sizeof(int));
baseDense.values = addS2D(baseDense.values, DBset[i].RIV);
baseDense.magnitude = DBset[i].RIV.magnitude;
for(int j=i+1; j<fileCount; j++){
cosine = cosCompare(baseDense, DBset[j].RIV);
DBset[i].indexes = realloc(DBset[i].indexes, (DBset[i].indexCount+1)*sizeof(int));
DBset[i].indexes[DBset[i].indexCount++] = j;
DBset[j].indexes = realloc(DBset[j].indexes, (DBset[j].indexCount+1)*sizeof(int));
DBset[j].indexes[DBset[j].indexCount++] = i;
int C = 0;
printf("got here\n");
for(int i=0; i<fileCount; i++){
if(DBset[i].status) continue;
if(DBset[i].indexCount <MINPOINTS){
DBset[i].status = NOISE;
DBset[i].status = C;
DBdive(C, i);
clock_t endnsquared = clock();
double time = (double)(endnsquared - beginnsquared) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("\nnsquared time:%lf\n\n", time);
clock_t endtotal = clock();
double time_spent = (double)(endtotal - begintotal) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("total time:%lf\n\n", time_spent);
return 0;
void DBdive(int C, int i){
printf("starting at: %s\n", DBset[i];
struct DBnode *DBnet = malloc(sizeof(struct DBnode));
DBnet[0] = DBset[i];
int nodeCount = 1;
for(int j=0; j<nodeCount; j++){
for(int k=0; k<DBnet[j].indexCount;k++){
int index = DBnet[j].indexes[k];
if(DBset[index].status) continue;
DBset[index].status = C;
if(DBset[index].indexCount> MINPOINTS){
DBnet = realloc(DBnet, (nodeCount+1)*sizeof(struct DBnode));
printf("diving into: %s\n", DBset[index];
DBnet[nodeCount++] = DBset[index];
void directoryToL2s(char *rootString, sparseRIV** fileRIVs, int *fileCount){
char pathString[2000];
DIR *directory;
struct dirent *files = 0;
if(!(directory = opendir(rootString))){
printf("location not found, %s\n", rootString);
if(*(files->d_name) == '.') continue;
if(files->d_type == DT_DIR){
strcpy(pathString, rootString);
strcat(pathString, files->d_name);
strcat(pathString, "/");
directoryToL2s(pathString, fileRIVs, fileCount);
strcpy(pathString, rootString);
strcat(pathString, files->d_name);
FILE *input = fopen(pathString, "r");
printf("file %s doesn't seem to exist, breaking out of loop", pathString);
(*fileRIVs) = (sparseRIV*)realloc((*fileRIVs), ((*fileCount)+1)*sizeof(sparseRIV));
(*fileRIVs)[(*fileCount)] = fileToL2(input);
strcpy((*fileRIVs)[(*fileCount)].name, pathString);
/* RIV stands for Random Index Vector, referring to the method of generating
* the basic vectors that correspond to each word. each word has an algorithmically
* generated vector which represents it in this mathematical model, such that a word
* will produce the same vector each time it is encountered*[1]. this base
* vector will be referred to as a L1 vector or a barcode vector
* by summing these vectors, we can get a mathematical representation of
* a set of text. this summed vector will be referred to as an L2 vector
* or aggregate vector. in its simplest implimentation, an L2 vector
* representation of a document contains a model of the contents of the
* document, enabling us to compare direction and magnitude of document
* vectors to understand their relationships to each other.
* but the system we are really interested in is the ability to form
* context vectors
* a context vector is the sum of all (L1?) vectors that the word
* has been encountered in context with. from these context vectors
* certain patterns and relationships between words should emerge.
* what patterns? that is the key question we will try to answer
* [1] a word produces the same vector each time it is encountered only
* if the environment is the same, ie. RIVs are the same dimensionality
* nonzero count is the same. comparing vectors produced in different
* environments yields meaningless drivel and should be avoided
* [2] what exactly "context" means remains a major stumbling point.
* paragraphs? sentences? some potential analyses would expect a static
* sized context (the nearest 10 words?) in order to be sensible, but
* it may be that some other definition of context is the most valid for
* this model. we will have to find out.
* some notes:
* -sparseRIV vs. denseRIV (sparse vector vs. dense vector)
* the two primary data structures we will use to analyze these vectors
* each vector type is packed with some metadata
* (name, magnitude, frequency, flags)
* -denseRIV is a standard vector representation.
* each array index corresponds to a dimension
* each value corresponds to a measurement in that dimension
* -sparseRIV is vector representation optimized for largely empty vectors
* each data point is a location/value pair where the
* location represents array index
* value represents value in that array index
* if we have a sparsely populated dense vector (mostly 0s) such as:
* |0|0|5|0|0|0|0|0|4|0|
* there are only 2 values in a ten element array. this could, instead
* be represented as
* |2|8| array indexes
* |5|4| array values
* |2| record of size
* and so, a 10 element vector has been represented in only 5 integers
* this is important for memory use, of course, but also for rapid calculations
* if we have two vectors
* |0|0|5|0|0|0|0|0|4|0|
* |0|0|0|0|0|0|7|0|3|-2|
* and we wish to perform the dot product this will take 10 steps,
* 9 of which are either 0*0 = 0, or 0*x = 0
* if we instead have these represented as sparse vectors
* |2|8|
* |5|4|
* |2|
* |6|8|9|
* |7|3|-2|
* |3|
* we only need to search for matching location values
* or, better yet, if we use a hybrid analysis:
* |0|0|5|0|0|0|0|0|4|0|
* ___________/__/_/
* / / /
* |6|8|9|
* |7|3|-2|
* |3|
* we can simply access the dense vector by indexes held in the sparse vector
* reducing this operation to only 3 steps
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "RIVLower.h"
int* addS2D(int* destination, sparseRIV input){// #TODO fix destination parameter vs calloc of destination
int *locations_slider = input.locations;
int *values_slider = input.values;
int *locations_stop = locations_slider+input.count;
/* apply values at an index based on locations */
destination[*locations_slider] += *values_slider;
return destination;
int* mapI2D(int *locations, size_t valueCount){// #TODO fix destination parameter vs calloc of destination
int *destination = (int*)calloc(RIVSIZE,sizeof(int));
int *locations_slider = locations;
int *locations_stop = locations_slider+valueCount;
/*apply values +1 or -1 at an index based on locations */
destination[*locations_slider] +=1;
destination[*locations_slider] -= 1;
return destination;
int* addI2D(int* destination, int *locations, size_t valueCount){// #TODO fix destination parameter vs calloc of destination
int *locations_slider = locations;
int *locations_stop = locations_slider+valueCount;
/*apply values +1 or -1 at an index based on locations */
destination[*locations_slider] +=1;
destination[*locations_slider] -= 1;
return destination;
sparseRIV consolidateI2SIndirect(int *implicit, size_t valueCount){
int *denseTemp = mapI2D(implicit, valueCount);
sparseRIV sparseOut = consolidateD2S(denseTemp);
return sparseOut;
sparseRIV consolidateI2SDirect(int *implicit, size_t valueCount){
sparseRIV sparseOut;
int *locationsTemp = RIVKey.h_tempBlock+RIVSIZE;
int *valuesTemp = RIVKey.h_tempBlock+2*RIVSIZE;
sparseOut.count = 0;
int add = 1;
int found;
for(int i=0; i<valueCount; i++){
found = 0;
for(int j=0; j<sparseOut.count; j++){
if(implicit[i] == locationsTemp[j]){
valuesTemp[i] += add;
add *= -1;
found = 1;
locationsTemp[sparseOut.count] = implicit[i];
valuesTemp[sparseOut.count] = add;
add*= -1;
sparseOut.locations = malloc(2*sparseOut.count*sizeof(int));
sparseOut.values = sparseOut.locations+sparseOut.count;
memcpy(sparseOut.locations, locationsTemp, sparseOut.count*sizeof(int));
memcpy(sparseOut.values, valuesTemp, sparseOut.count*sizeof(int));
return sparseOut;
sparseRIV consolidateD2S(int *denseInput){
sparseRIV output;
output.count = 0;
/* key/value pairs will be loaded to a worst-case sized temporary slot */
int* locations = RIVKey.h_tempBlock+RIVSIZE;
int* values = locations+RIVSIZE;
int* locations_slider = locations;
int* values_slider = values;
for(int i=0; i<RIVSIZE; i++){
/* act only on non-zeros */
/* assign index to locations */
*(locations_slider++) = i;
/* assign value to values */
*(values_slider++) = denseInput[i];
/* track size of forming sparseRIV */
/* a slot is opened for the locations/values pair */
output.locations = (int*) malloc(output.count*2*sizeof(int));
printf("memory allocation failed"); //*TODO enable fail point knowledge
/* copy locations values into opened slot */
memcpy(output.locations, locations, output.count*sizeof(int));
output.values = output.locations + output.count;
/* copy values into opened slot */
memcpy(output.values, values, output.count*sizeof(int));
return output;
void RIVInit(){
RIVKey.I2SThreshold = sqrt(RIVSIZE);
/* open a slot at least large enough for worst case handling of
* sparse to dense conversion. may be enlarged by filetoL2 functions */
struct sigaction action;
action.sa_sigaction = signalSecure;
action.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
//for(int i=1; i<27; i++){
RIVKey.h_tempBlock = (int*)malloc(3*RIVSIZE*sizeof(int));
RIVKey.tempSize = 3*RIVSIZE;
RIVKey.thing = 0;
/* open a slot for a cache of dense RIVs, optimized for frequent accesses */
memset(RIVKey.RIVCache, 0, sizeof(denseRIV)*CACHESIZE);
void RIVCleanup(){
puts("cache dump failed, some lexicon data was lost");
int wordtoSeed(unsigned char* word){
int i=0;
int seed = 0;
/* left-shift 5 each time *should* make seeds unique to words
* this means letters are taken as characters couned in base 32, which
* should be large enough to hold all english characters plus a few outliers
* */
seed += (*(word))<<(i*5);
return seed;
void makeSparseLocations(unsigned char* word, int *locations, size_t count){
int *locations_stop = locations+NONZEROS;
/* unrolled for speed, guaranteed to be an even number of steps */
*locations = rand()%RIVSIZE;
*locations = rand()%RIVSIZE;
int fLexPush(denseRIV RIVout){
char pathString[200] = {0};
/* word data will be placed in a (new?) file under the lexicon directory
* in a file named after the word itself */
sprintf(pathString, "lexicon/%s",;
FILE *lexWord = fopen(pathString, "wb");
printf("lexicon push has failed for word: %s\nconsider cleaning inputs", pathString);
return 1;
sparseRIV temp = consolidateD2S(RIVout.values);
/* smaller stored as sparse vector */
fwrite(&temp.count, 1, sizeof(size_t), lexWord);
fwrite(RIVout.frequency, 1, sizeof(int), lexWord);
fwrite(&RIVout.magnitude, 1, sizeof(float), lexWord);
fwrite(temp.locations, temp.count, sizeof(int), lexWord);
fwrite(temp.values, temp.count, sizeof(int), lexWord);
/* saturation is too high, better to store dense */
/* there's gotta be a better way to do this */
temp.count = 0;
fwrite(&temp.count, 1, sizeof(int), lexWord);
fwrite(RIVout.frequency, 1, sizeof(int), lexWord);
fwrite(&RIVout.magnitude, 1, sizeof(float), lexWord);
fwrite(RIVout.values, RIVSIZE, sizeof(int), lexWord);
return 0;
denseRIV fLexPull(FILE* lexWord){
denseRIV output = denseAllocate();
int typeCheck;
/* get metadata for vector */
fread(&typeCheck, 1, sizeof(unsigned int), lexWord);
fread(output.frequency, 1, sizeof(int), lexWord);
fread(&(output.magnitude), 1, sizeof(int), lexWord);
/* first value stored is the value count if sparse, and 0 if dense */
if (typeCheck){
/* pull as sparseVector */
sparseRIV temp;
/* value was not 0, so it's the value count */
temp.count = typeCheck;
temp.locations = malloc(temp.count*2*sizeof(int));
temp.values = temp.locations+temp.count;
fread(temp.locations, temp.count, sizeof(int), lexWord);
fread(temp.values, temp.count, sizeof(int), lexWord);
addS2D(output.values, temp);
/* typecheck is thrown away, just a flag in this case */
fread(output.values, RIVSIZE, sizeof(int), lexWord);
output.cached = 0;
return output;
void signalSecure(int signum, siginfo_t *si, void* arg){
puts("cache dump failed, some lexicon data lost");
puts("cache dumped successfully");
signal(signum, SIG_DFL);
kill(getpid(), signum);
int cacheDump(){
int i=0;
int j=0;
int flag = 0;
denseRIV* cache_slider = RIVKey.RIVCache;
denseRIV* cache_stop = RIVKey.RIVCache+CACHESIZE;
flag += fLexPush(*cache_slider);
printf("%d cacheslots unused\n%d, cacheslots used", i, j);
return flag;
denseRIV denseAllocate(){
/* allocates a 0 vector */
denseRIV output;
output.values = calloc(RIVSIZE+1, sizeof(int));
/* for compact memory use, frequency is placed immediately after values */
output.frequency = output.values+RIVSIZE;
output.magnitude = 0;
output.cached = 0;
return output;
/*TODO add a simplified free function*/
#ifndef RIVLOWER_H_
#define RIVLOWER_H_
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h> #include <string.h>
...@@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ typedef struct{ ...@@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ typedef struct{
int *values; int *values;
int *locations; int *locations;
size_t count; size_t count;
unsigned int frequency; int frequency;
float magnitude; float magnitude;
int boolean; int boolean;
}sparseRIV; }sparseRIV;
...@@ -113,7 +115,7 @@ sparseRIV consolidateD2S(int *denseInput); //#TODO fix int*/denseRIV confusion ...@@ -113,7 +115,7 @@ sparseRIV consolidateD2S(int *denseInput); //#TODO fix int*/denseRIV confusion
* this produces an "implicit" RIV which can be used with the mapI2D function * this produces an "implicit" RIV which can be used with the mapI2D function
* to create a denseRIV. * to create a denseRIV.
*/ */
void makesparseLocations(unsigned char* word, int *seeds, size_t seedCount); void makeSparseLocations(unsigned char* word, int *seeds, size_t seedCount);
/* fLexPush pushes the data contained in a denseRIV out to a lexicon file, /* fLexPush pushes the data contained in a denseRIV out to a lexicon file,
* saving it for long-term aggregation. function is called by "lexpush", * saving it for long-term aggregation. function is called by "lexpush",
...@@ -133,6 +135,7 @@ int wordtoSeed(unsigned char* word); ...@@ -133,6 +135,7 @@ int wordtoSeed(unsigned char* word);
*/ */
int* mapI2D(int *locations, size_t seedCount); int* mapI2D(int *locations, size_t seedCount);
int* addS2D(int* destination, sparseRIV input);
sparseRIV consolidateI2SIndirect(int *implicit, size_t valueCount); sparseRIV consolidateI2SIndirect(int *implicit, size_t valueCount);
sparseRIV consolidateI2SDirect(int *implicit, size_t valueCount); sparseRIV consolidateI2SDirect(int *implicit, size_t valueCount);
...@@ -143,274 +146,4 @@ void signalSecure(int signum, siginfo_t *si, void* arg); ...@@ -143,274 +146,4 @@ void signalSecure(int signum, siginfo_t *si, void* arg);
/* begin definitions */ /* begin definitions */
int* addS2D(int* destination, sparseRIV input){// #TODO fix destination parameter vs calloc of destination
int *locations_slider = input.locations;
int *values_slider = input.values;
int *locations_stop = locations_slider+input.count;
/* apply values at an index based on locations */
destination[*locations_slider] += *values_slider;
return destination;
int* mapI2D(int *locations, size_t valueCount){// #TODO fix destination parameter vs calloc of destination
int *destination = (int*)calloc(RIVSIZE,sizeof(int));
int *locations_slider = locations;
int *locations_stop = locations_slider+valueCount;
/*apply values +1 or -1 at an index based on locations */
destination[*locations_slider] +=1;
destination[*locations_slider] -= 1;
return destination;
int* addI2D(int* destination, int *locations, size_t valueCount){// #TODO fix destination parameter vs calloc of destination
int *locations_slider = locations;
int *locations_stop = locations_slider+valueCount;
/*apply values +1 or -1 at an index based on locations */
destination[*locations_slider] +=1;
destination[*locations_slider] -= 1;
return destination;
sparseRIV consolidateI2SIndirect(int *implicit, size_t valueCount){
int *denseTemp = mapI2D(implicit, valueCount);
sparseRIV sparseOut = consolidateD2S(denseTemp);
return sparseOut;
sparseRIV consolidateI2SDirect(int *implicit, size_t valueCount){
sparseRIV sparseOut;
int *locationsTemp = RIVKey.h_tempBlock+RIVSIZE;
int *valuesTemp = RIVKey.h_tempBlock+2*RIVSIZE;
sparseOut.count = 0;
int add = 1;
int found;
for(int i=0; i<valueCount; i++){
found = 0;
for(int j=0; j<sparseOut.count; j++){
if(implicit[i] == locationsTemp[j]){
valuesTemp[i] += add;
add *= -1;
found = 1;
locationsTemp[sparseOut.count] = implicit[i];
valuesTemp[sparseOut.count] = add;
add*= -1;
sparseOut.locations = malloc(2*sparseOut.count*sizeof(int));
sparseOut.values = sparseOut.locations+sparseOut.count;
memcpy(sparseOut.locations, locationsTemp, 2*sparseOut.count*sizeof(int));
return sparseOut;
sparseRIV consolidateD2S(int *denseInput){
sparseRIV output;
output.count = 0;
/* key/value pairs will be loaded to a worst-case sized temporary slot */
int* locations = RIVKey.h_tempBlock+RIVSIZE;
int* values = locations+RIVSIZE;
int* locations_slider = locations;
int* values_slider = values;
for(int i=0; i<RIVSIZE; i++){
/* act only on non-zeros */
/* assign index to locations */
*(locations_slider++) = i;
/* assign value to values */
*(values_slider++) = denseInput[i];
/* track size of forming sparseRIV */
/* a slot is opened for the locations/values pair */
output.locations = (int*) malloc(output.count*2*sizeof(int));
printf("memory allocation failed"); //*TODO enable fail point knowledge
/* copy locations values into opened slot */
memcpy(output.locations, locations, output.count*sizeof(int));
output.values = output.locations + output.count;
/* copy values into opened slot */
memcpy(output.values, values, output.count*sizeof(int));
return output;
void RIVInit(){
RIVKey.I2SThreshold = sqrt(RIVSIZE);
/* open a slot at least large enough for worst case handling of
* sparse to dense conversion. may be enlarged by filetoL2 functions */
struct sigaction action;
action.sa_sigaction = signalSecure;
action.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
//for(int i=1; i<27; i++){
RIVKey.h_tempBlock = (int*)malloc(3*RIVSIZE*sizeof(int));
RIVKey.tempSize = 3*RIVSIZE;
RIVKey.thing = 0;
/* open a slot for a cache of dense RIVs, optimized for frequent accesses */
memset(RIVKey.RIVCache, 0, sizeof(denseRIV)*CACHESIZE);
void RIVCleanup(){
puts("cache dump failed, some lexicon data was lost");
int wordtoSeed(unsigned char* word){
int i=0;
int seed = 0;
/* left-shift 5 each time *should* make seeds unique to words */
seed += (*(word))<<(i*5);
return seed;
void makeSparseLocations(unsigned char* word, int *locations, size_t count){
int *locations_stop = locations+NONZEROS;
/* unrolled for speed, guaranteed to be an even number of steps */
*locations = rand()%RIVSIZE;
*locations = rand()%RIVSIZE;
int fLexPush(denseRIV RIVout){
char pathString[200] = {0};
/* word data will be placed in a (new?) file under the lexicon directory
* in a file named after the word itself */
sprintf(pathString, "lexicon/%s",;
FILE *lexWord = fopen(pathString, "wb");
printf("lexicon push has failed for word: %s\nconsider cleaning inputs", pathString);
return 1;
sparseRIV temp = consolidateD2S(RIVout.values);
fwrite(&temp.count, 1, sizeof(size_t), lexWord);
fwrite(RIVout.frequency, 1, sizeof(float), lexWord);
fwrite(&RIVout.magnitude, 1, sizeof(float), lexWord);
fwrite(temp.locations, temp.count, sizeof(int), lexWord);
fwrite(temp.values, temp.count, sizeof(int), lexWord);
return 0;
denseRIV fLexPull(FILE* lexWord){
denseRIV output;
sparseRIV temp;
output.values = calloc( (RIVSIZE+1) ,sizeof(int));
output.frequency = output.values+RIVSIZE;
int diagnostic = 0;
fread(&temp.count, 1, sizeof(size_t), lexWord);
diagnostic += fread(&temp.frequency, 1, sizeof(int), lexWord);
diagnostic += fread(&(temp.magnitude), 1, sizeof(int), lexWord);
temp.locations = malloc(temp.count*2*sizeof(int));
temp.values = temp.locations+temp.count;
diagnostic += fread(temp.locations, temp.count, sizeof(int), lexWord);
diagnostic += fread(temp.values, temp.count, sizeof(int), lexWord);
addS2D(output.values, temp);
*(output.frequency) = temp.frequency;
output.magnitude = temp.magnitude;
output.cached = 0;
return output;
void signalSecure(int signum, siginfo_t *si, void* arg){
puts("cache dump failed, some lexicon data lost");
puts("cache dumped successfully");
signal(signum, SIG_DFL);
kill(getpid(), signum);
int cacheDump(){
int flag = 0;
denseRIV* cache_slider = RIVKey.RIVCache;
denseRIV* cache_stop = RIVKey.RIVCache+CACHESIZE;
flag += fLexPush(*cache_slider);
return flag;
denseRIV denseAllocate(){
/* allocates a 0 vector */
denseRIV output;
output.values = calloc(RIVSIZE+1, sizeof(int));
/* for compact memory use, frequency is placed immediately after values */
output.frequency = output.values+RIVSIZE;
output.magnitude = 0;
output.cached = 0;
return output;
/*TODO add a simplified free function*/
int isLetter(char c){
if((c>96 && c<123)||(c == 32) || (c == '_')) return 1;
else return 0;
int isWordClean(char* word){
char *letter = word;
char *word_stop = word+99;
if(!(*letter)) break;
return 0;
return 1;
#ifndef RIVACCESS_H_
#define RIVACCESS_H_
/*isWordClean filters words that contain non-letter characters, and /*isWordClean filters words that contain non-letter characters, and
* upperCase letters, allowing only the '_' symbol through * upperCase letters, allowing only the '_' symbol through
*/ */
...@@ -5,24 +7,4 @@ int isWordClean(char* word); ...@@ -5,24 +7,4 @@ int isWordClean(char* word);
/* used by wordClean */ /* used by wordClean */
int isLetter(char c); int isLetter(char c);
int isLetter(char c){
if((c>96 && c<123)||(c == 32) || (c == '_')) return 1;
else return 0;
int isWordClean(char* word){
char *letter = word;
char *word_stop = word+99;
if(!(*letter)) break;
return 0;
return 1;
...@@ -3,18 +3,11 @@ ...@@ -3,18 +3,11 @@
#include <dirent.h> #include <dirent.h>
#include <time.h> #include <time.h>
#define RIVSIZE 5000 #define RIVSIZE 25000
#define CACHESIZE 0 #define CACHESIZE 0
#define NONZEROS 2 #define NONZEROS 2
#define THRESHOLD 0.7 #define THRESHOLD 0.70
#define COSINEACTION do {\ #include "RIVtools.h"
if(cosine > THRESHOLD){ \
printf("%s\t%s\n%f\n",, (*multipliers).name, cosine);\
(*multipliers).boolean = 0; \
RIVKey.thing++; \
#include "RIVtoolsMorphic.h"
void directoryToL2s(char *rootString, sparseRIV** fileRIVs, int *fileCount); void directoryToL2s(char *rootString, sparseRIV** fileRIVs, int *fileCount);
...@@ -51,9 +44,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ ...@@ -51,9 +44,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
baseDense.values = malloc(RIVSIZE*sizeof(int)); baseDense.values = malloc(RIVSIZE*sizeof(int));
fileRIVs_slider = fileRIVs; fileRIVs_slider = fileRIVs;
sparseRIV* comparators_slider; sparseRIV* comparators_slider;
int count = 0;
while(fileRIVs_slider<fileRIVs_stop){ while(fileRIVs_slider<fileRIVs_stop){
comparators_slider = fileRIVs; comparators_slider = fileRIVs;
memset(baseDense.values, 0, RIVSIZE*sizeof(int)); memset(baseDense.values, 0, RIVSIZE*sizeof(int));
baseDense.values = addS2D(baseDense.values, *fileRIVs_slider); baseDense.values = addS2D(baseDense.values, *fileRIVs_slider);
baseDense.magnitude = (*fileRIVs_slider).magnitude; baseDense.magnitude = (*fileRIVs_slider).magnitude;
...@@ -63,15 +56,15 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ ...@@ -63,15 +56,15 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
if((*comparators_slider).magnitude < maxmag && (*comparators_slider).magnitude > minmag && (*comparators_slider).boolean){ if((*comparators_slider).magnitude < maxmag && (*comparators_slider).magnitude > minmag && (*comparators_slider).boolean){
cosine = cosCompare(baseDense, *comparators_slider); cosine = cosCompare(baseDense, *comparators_slider);
if(cosine>THRESHOLD){ if(cosine>THRESHOLD){
printf("%s\t%s\n%f\n", (*fileRIVs_slider).name , (*comparators_slider).name, cosine); printf("%s\t%s\n%f\n", (*fileRIVs_slider).name , (*comparators_slider).name, cosine);
(*comparators_slider).boolean = 0; (*comparators_slider).boolean = 0;
RIVKey.thing++; RIVKey.thing++;
} }
} }
comparators_slider++; comparators_slider++;
//cosineCompare(fileRIVs[i], fileRIVs, i);
} }
...@@ -80,8 +73,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ ...@@ -80,8 +73,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
} }
clock_t endnsquared = clock(); clock_t endnsquared = clock();
double time = (double)(endnsquared - beginnsquared) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; double time = (double)(endnsquared - beginnsquared) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("nsquared time:%lf\n\n", time); printf("\nnsquared time:%lf\n\n", time);
printf("%d <", RIVKey.thing); printf("\ncosines: %d \n", count);
printf("\nsims: %d \n", RIVKey.thing);
clock_t endtotal = clock(); clock_t endtotal = clock();
double time_spent = (double)(endtotal - begintotal) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; double time_spent = (double)(endtotal - begintotal) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("total time:%lf\n\n", time_spent); printf("total time:%lf\n\n", time_spent);
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h> #include <time.h>
#define CACHESIZE 100000 #define CACHESIZE 10000
//#define RIVSIZE 5
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include "RIVtoolsCPUlinux.h" #include "RIVtoolsCPUlinux.h"
#include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/types.h>
...@@ -13,8 +16,9 @@ void fileGrind(FILE* textFile); ...@@ -13,8 +16,9 @@ void fileGrind(FILE* textFile);
void addS2Ds(denseRIV *denseSet, sparseRIV additive, int RIVCount); void addS2Ds(denseRIV *denseSet, sparseRIV additive, int RIVCount);
int checkDupe(denseRIV* RIVSet, char* word, int wordCount); int checkDupe(denseRIV* RIVSet, char* word, int wordCount);
void directoryGrind(char *rootString); void directoryGrind(char *rootString);
void readdirContingency(int sigNumber);
jmp_buf readdirRecov;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
clock_t begintotal = clock(); clock_t begintotal = clock();
RIVInit(); RIVInit();
...@@ -31,22 +35,17 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ ...@@ -31,22 +35,17 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
} }
void addS2Ds(denseRIV *denseSet, sparseRIV additive, int RIVCount){ void addS2Ds(denseRIV *denseSet, sparseRIV additive, int RIVCount){
denseRIV *denseSet_slider; denseRIV *denseSet_slider = denseSet;
denseRIV *dense_stop = denseSet+RIVCount; denseRIV *dense_stop = denseSet+RIVCount;
int *locations = additive.locations;
int *locations_stop = locations+additive.count;
int *values = additive.values;
//int *target; //int *target;
denseSet_slider = denseSet;
while(denseSet_slider<dense_stop){ while(denseSet_slider<dense_stop){
(*denseSet_slider).values[*locations]+= *values; addS2D((*denseSet_slider).values, additive);
denseSet_slider++; denseSet_slider++;
} }
} }
int checkDupe(denseRIV* RIVSet, char* word, int wordCount){ int checkDupe(denseRIV* RIVSet, char* word, int wordCount){
...@@ -71,9 +70,15 @@ void directoryGrind(char *rootString){ ...@@ -71,9 +70,15 @@ void directoryGrind(char *rootString){
} }
while((files=readdir(directory))){ while((files=readdir(directory))){
while(!strcmp(files->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(files->d_name, "..")){ if(setjmp(readdirRecov)){
signal(SIGSEGV, readdirContingency);
//printf("reclen: %d, d_name pointer: %p, firstDigit, %d", files->d_reclen,files->d_name,*(files->d_name));
files = readdir(directory); files = readdir(directory);
} }
//signal(SIGSEGV, SIG_DFL);
if(files->d_type == DT_DIR){ if(files->d_type == DT_DIR){
strcpy(pathString, rootString); strcpy(pathString, rootString);
...@@ -135,5 +140,10 @@ void fileGrind(FILE* textFile){ ...@@ -135,5 +140,10 @@ void fileGrind(FILE* textFile){
} }
free(RIVArray); free(RIVArray);
free(aggregateRIV.locations); free(aggregateRIV.locations);
void readdirContingency(int sigNumber){
("readdir segfaulted, trying to recover");
longjmp(readdirRecov, 1);
} }
#include "RIVaccessories.h"
#include "RIVtools.h"
sparseRIV text2L2(char *text){
unsigned int blockSize;
char word[100] = {0};
/* locations (implicit RIV) are temp stored in temp block, and moved
* to permanent home in consolidation */
int *locations = RIVKey.h_tempBlock;
int locationCount = 0;
int displacement;
while(sscanf(text, "%99s%n", word, &displacement)){
text += displacement+1;
blockSize = locationCount+NONZEROS;
/* if this word would overflow the locations block, grow it */
RIVKey.h_tempBlock = (int*) realloc(RIVKey.h_tempBlock, blockSize*sizeof(int));
locations = RIVKey.h_tempBlock;
/* add word's L1 RIV to the accumulating implicit RIV */
makeSparseLocations((unsigned char*)word, locations, locationCount);
locationCount+= NONZEROS;
sparseRIV output = consolidateI2S(locations, locationCount);
/* frequency records the number of words in this file, untill frequency
* is needed to hold some more useful data point */
output.frequency = locationCount/NONZEROS;
output.boolean = 1;
return output;
sparseRIV fileToL2(FILE *data){
unsigned int blockSize;
unsigned char word[100] = {0};
/* locations (implicit RIV) are temp stored in temp block, and moved
* to permanent home in consolidation */
int *locations = RIVKey.h_tempBlock;
int locationCount = 0;
while(fscanf(data, "%99s", word)){
blockSize = locationCount+NONZEROS;
/* if this word would overflow the locations block, grow it */
RIVKey.h_tempBlock = (int*) realloc(RIVKey.h_tempBlock, blockSize*sizeof(int));
locations = RIVKey.h_tempBlock;
/* add word's L1 RIV to the accumulating implicit RIV */
makeSparseLocations(word, locations, locationCount);
locationCount+= NONZEROS;
sparseRIV output = consolidateI2S(locations, locationCount);
/* frequency records the number of words in this file */
output.frequency = locationCount/NONZEROS;
output.boolean = 1;
return output;
sparseRIV fileToL2Clean(FILE *data){
unsigned char word[100] = {0};
int *locations = RIVKey.h_tempBlock;
unsigned int blockSize;
int locationCount = 0;
while(fscanf(data, "%99s", word)){
/* if the word is not clean, skip it */
blockSize = locationCount+NONZEROS;
RIVKey.h_tempBlock = (int*)realloc(RIVKey.h_tempBlock, blockSize*sizeof(int));
locations = RIVKey.h_tempBlock;
makeSparseLocations(word, locations, locationCount);
locationCount+= NONZEROS;
sparseRIV output = consolidateI2S(locations, locationCount);
/* frequency records the number of words in this file */
output.frequency = locationCount/NONZEROS;
output.boolean = 1;
return output;
sparseRIV consolidateI2S(int *implicit, size_t valueCount){
/*direct method is faster on small datasets, but has geometric scaling on large datasets */
return consolidateI2SDirect(implicit, valueCount);
/* optimized for large datasets */
return consolidateI2SIndirect(implicit, valueCount);
void aggregateWord2D(denseRIV destination, char* word){
srand(wordtoSeed((unsigned char*)word));
for(int i=0; i<NONZEROS; i++){
destination.values[(rand()%RIVSIZE)] +=1;
destination.values[(rand()%RIVSIZE)] -= 1;
float cosCompare(denseRIV baseRIV, sparseRIV comparator){
int dot = 0;
int n = comparator.count;
/* we calculate the dot-product to derive the cosine
* comparing sparse to dense by index*/
//dot += values[i]*baseRIV.values[locations[i]];
dot += comparator.values[n] * baseRIV.values[comparator.locations[n]];
//printf("%d, %d, %d\n",baseRIV.values[comparator.locations[n]],comparator.values[n] , n);
/*dot divided by product of magnitudes */
float cosine = dot/(baseRIV.magnitude*comparator.magnitude);
return cosine;
float getMagnitudeSparse(sparseRIV input){
unsigned long long int temp = 0;
int *values = input.values;
int *values_stop = values+input.count;
temp += (*values)*(*values);
input.magnitude = sqrt(temp);
return input.magnitude;
denseRIV lexPull(char* word){
/* if there is a cache, first check if the word is cached */
srand(wordtoSeed((unsigned char*)word));
int hash = rand()%CACHESIZE;
if(!strcmp(word, RIVKey.RIVCache[hash].name)){
/* if word is cached, pull from cache and exit */
return RIVKey.RIVCache[hash];
#endif /* CACHESIZE > 0 */
/* if not, attempt to pull the word data from lexicon file */
denseRIV output;
char pathString[200];
sprintf(pathString, "lexicon/%s", word);
FILE *lexWord = fopen(pathString, "rb");
/* if this lexicon file already exists */
/* pull data from file */
output = fLexPull(lexWord);
/*if file does not exist, return a 0 vector (word is new to the lexicon */ //#TODO enable NO-NEW features to protect mature lexicons?
output = denseAllocate();
strcpy(, word);
return output;
int lexPush(denseRIV RIVout){
#if CACHESIZE == 0
/* if there is no cache, simply push to file */
return 0;
#else /* CACHESIZE != 0 */
/* if our RIV was cached, there are two options (hopefully)
* either the RIV is still cached, and the data has been updated
* to the cache or the RIV was pushed out from under it,
* in which case it has already been pushed! move on*/
return 0;
srand(wordtoSeed((unsigned char*);
int hash = rand()%CACHESIZE;
/* if there is no word in this cache slot, push to cache instead of file */
RIVKey.RIVCache[hash] = RIVout;
RIVKey.RIVCache[hash].cached = 1;
return 0;
/*if the current RIV is more frequent than the RIV holding its slot */
}else if(*(RIVout.frequency) > *(RIVKey.RIVCache[hash].frequency) ){
/* push the current cache entry to a file */
int diag = fLexPush(RIVKey.RIVCache[hash]);
/* push the current RIV to cache */
RIVKey.RIVCache[hash] = RIVout;
RIVKey.RIVCache[hash].cached = 1;
return diag;
/* push current RIV to file */
return 0;
#endif /* CACHESIZE == 0 */
sparseRIV fileToL2direct(FILE *data){;
unsigned char word[100] = {0};
denseRIV denseTemp;
// a temporary dense RIV is stored in the tempBlock
denseTemp.values = RIVKey.h_tempBlock;
memset(RIVKey.h_tempBlock, 0, RIVSIZE*sizeof(int));
int count = 0;
while(fscanf(data, "%99s", word)){
// add word's L1 RIV to the accumulating implicit RIV
aggregateWord2D(denseTemp, (char*)word);
sparseRIV output = consolidateD2S(denseTemp.values);
// frequency records the number of words in this file
output.frequency = count;
output.boolean = 1;
return output;
#ifndef RIVTOOLS_H_
#define RIVTOOLS_H_
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "RIVLower.h"
#include "RIVaccessories.h"
/* lexPush writes a denseRIV to a file for permanent storage */
int lexPush(denseRIV RIVout);
/* lexPull reads an existing lexicon entry (under directory "lexicon")
* and creates a denseRIV with those attributes.
* if the file does not exist, it creates a 0 vector with the name of word
denseRIV lexPull(char* word);
/* fileToL2 takes an input file, reads words (delimiting on " " and "\n")
* and returns a sparse RIV which is the vector sum of the base RIVs of each
* word contained
sparseRIV fileToL2(FILE *input);
/* fileToL2Clean operates the same as fileToL2 butkeeps only words
* containing lowercase letters and the '_' symbol
* this is important if you will be lexPush-ing those words later
sparseRIV fileToL2Clean(FILE *data);
/*filetoL2direct is an experiment in simplifying the process. it's slow */
sparseRIV fileToL2direct(FILE *data);
/*cosine determines the "similarity" between two RIVs. */
float cosCompare(denseRIV baseRIV, sparseRIV comparator);
/*currently unused */
sparseRIV wordtoL2(char* word);
/* converts an implicit RIV (a set of unvalued locations) into a formal
* sparse RIV. this chooses the best method to perform the consolidation
* and launches that function */
sparseRIV consolidateI2S(int *implicit, size_t valueCount);
/* like fileToL2 but takes a block of text */
sparseRIV text2L2(char *text);
float getMagnitudeSparse(sparseRIV input);
...@@ -5,93 +5,6 @@ ...@@ -5,93 +5,6 @@
#include "RIVLower.h" #include "RIVLower.h"
#include "RIVaccessories.h" #include "RIVaccessories.h"
/* RIV stands for Random Index Vector, referring to the method of generating
* the basic vectors that correspond to each word. each word has an algorithmically
* generated vector which represents it in this mathematical model, such that a word
* will produce the same vector each time it is encountered*[1]. this base
* vector will be referred to as a L1 vector or a barcode vector
* by summing these vectors, we can get a mathematical representation of
* a set of text. this summed vector will be referred to as an L2 vector
* or aggregate vector. in its simplest implimentation, an L2 vector
* representation of a document contains a model of the contents of the
* document, enabling us to compare direction and magnitude of document
* vectors to understand their relationships to each other.
* but the system we are really interested in is the ability to form
* context vectors
* a context vector is the sum of all (L1?) vectors that the word
* has been encountered in context with. from these context vectors
* certain patterns and relationships between words should emerge.
* what patterns? that is the key question we will try to answer
* [1] a word produces the same vector each time it is encountered only
* if the environment is the same, ie. RIVs are the same dimensionality
* nonzero count is the same. comparing vectors produced in different
* environments yields meaningless drivel and should be avoided
* [2] what exactly "context" means remains a major stumbling point.
* paragraphs? sentences? some potential analyses would expect a static
* sized context (the nearest 10 words?) in order to be sensible, but
* it may be that some other definition of context is the most valid for
* this model. we will have to find out.
* some notes:
* -sparseRIV vs. denseRIV (sparse vector vs. dense vector)
* the two primary data structures we will use to analyze these vectors
* each vector type is packed with some metadata
* (name, magnitude, frequency, flags)
* -denseRIV is a standard vector representation.
* each array index corresponds to a dimension
* each value corresponds to a measurement in that dimension
* -sparseRIV is vector representation optimized for largely empty vectors
* each data point is a location/value pair where the
* location represents array index
* value represents value in that array index
* if we have a sparsely populated dense vector (mostly 0s) such as:
* |0|0|5|0|0|0|0|0|4|0|
* there are only 2 values in a ten element array. this could, instead
* be represented as
* |2|8| array indexes
* |5|4| array values
* |2| record of size
* and so, a 10 element vector has been represented in only 5 integers
* this is important for memory use, of course, but also for rapid calculations
* if we have two vectors
* |0|0|5|0|0|0|0|0|4|0|
* |0|0|0|0|0|0|7|0|3|-2|
* and we wish to perform the dot product this will take 10 steps,
* 9 of which are either 0*0 = 0, or 0*x = 0
* if we instead have these represented as sparse vectors
* |2|8|
* |5|4|
* |2|
* |6|8|9|
* |7|3|-2|
* |3|
* we only need to search for matching location values
* or, better yet, if we use a hybrid analysis:
* |0|0|5|0|0|0|0|0|4|0|
* ___________/__/_/
* / / /
* |6|8|9|
* |7|3|-2|
* |3|
* we can simply access the dense vector by indexes held in the sparse vector
* reducing this operation to only 3 steps
/* lexPush writes a denseRIV to a file for permanent storage */ /* lexPush writes a denseRIV to a file for permanent storage */
...@@ -258,7 +171,7 @@ sparseRIV fileToL2Clean(FILE *data){ ...@@ -258,7 +171,7 @@ sparseRIV fileToL2Clean(FILE *data){
sparseRIV consolidateI2S(int *implicit, size_t valueCount){ sparseRIV consolidateI2S(int *implicit, size_t valueCount){
if(valueCount<RIVKey.I2SThreshold){ if(valueCount<RIVKey.I2SThreshold){
/* direct method is faster on small datasets, but has geometric scaling on large datasets */ /*direct method is faster on small datasets, but has geometric scaling on large datasets */
return consolidateI2SDirect(implicit, valueCount); return consolidateI2SDirect(implicit, valueCount);
}else{ }else{
/* optimized for large datasets */ /* optimized for large datasets */
...@@ -280,17 +193,16 @@ void aggregateWord2D(denseRIV destination, char* word){ ...@@ -280,17 +193,16 @@ void aggregateWord2D(denseRIV destination, char* word){
float cosCompare(denseRIV baseRIV, sparseRIV comparator){ float cosCompare(denseRIV baseRIV, sparseRIV comparator){
int dot = 0; int dot = 0;
int n = comparator.count;
int *values = comparator.values; while(n){
int *locations = comparator.locations; n--;
int *locations_Stop = locations+comparator.count;
/* we calculate the dot-product to derive the cosine /* we calculate the dot-product to derive the cosine
* comparing sparse to dense by index*/ * comparing sparse to dense by index*/
dot += (*values)*(*(baseRIV.values+(*locations))); //dot += values[i]*baseRIV.values[locations[i]];
locations++; dot += comparator.values[n] * baseRIV.values[comparator.locations[n]];
printf("%d, %d, %d\n",baseRIV.values[comparator.locations[n]],comparator.values[n] , n);
} }
/*dot divided by product of magnitudes */ /*dot divided by product of magnitudes */
float cosine = dot/(baseRIV.magnitude*comparator.magnitude); float cosine = dot/(baseRIV.magnitude*comparator.magnitude);
...@@ -307,9 +219,9 @@ float getMagnitudeSparse(sparseRIV input){ ...@@ -307,9 +219,9 @@ float getMagnitudeSparse(sparseRIV input){
values++; values++;
} }
float magnitude = sqrt(temp);
input.magnitude = magnitude; input.magnitude = sqrt(temp);
return magnitude; return input.magnitude;
} }
denseRIV lexPull(char* word){ denseRIV lexPull(char* word){
...@@ -386,8 +298,8 @@ int lexPush(denseRIV RIVout){ ...@@ -386,8 +298,8 @@ int lexPush(denseRIV RIVout){
} }
return 0; return 0;
#endif /* CACHESIZE == 0 */ #endif /* CACHESIZE == 0 */
sparseRIV fileToL2direct(FILE *data){; sparseRIV fileToL2direct(FILE *data){;
unsigned char word[100] = {0}; unsigned char word[100] = {0};
denseRIV denseTemp; denseRIV denseTemp;
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdio.h>
#define RIVSIZE 200 #define RIVSIZE 25000
#include "RIVtoolsCPUlinux.h" #include "RIVtoolsCPUlinux.h"
#include <time.h> #include <time.h>
...@@ -14,28 +14,21 @@ int main(){ ...@@ -14,28 +14,21 @@ int main(){
}if(numba1){ }if(numba1){
puts("numba1 opened successfully"); puts("numba1 opened successfully");
} }
sparseRIV first; sparseRIV first = fileToL2(numba1);
sparseRIV second; sparseRIV second = fileToL2(numba2);
int x=0; first.magnitude = getMagnitudeSparse(first);
denseRIV second2 = denseAllocate();
second2.values = addS2D(second2.values, second);
second2.magnitude = getMagnitudeSparse(second);
clock_t begintotal = clock(); clock_t begintotal = clock();
for(int i=0; i<iterations; i++){ for(int i=0; i<iterations; i++){
first = fileToL2(numba1); cosCompare(second2, first);
second = fileToL2(numba2);
x+= first.count+second.count;
} }
clock_t endtotal = clock(); clock_t endtotal = clock();
double time_spent = (double)(endtotal - begintotal) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; double time_spent = (double)(endtotal - begintotal) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("total time:%lf\n\n", time_spent);
begintotal = clock();
for(int i=0; i<iterations; i++){
first = fileToL2direct(numba1);
second = fileToL2direct(numba2);
x+= first.count+second.count;
printf("%d", x);
endtotal = clock();
time_spent = (double)(endtotal - begintotal) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("total time:%lf\n\n", time_spent);
} }
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
#define SEEDMASK 25214903917
struct RIVData{
int RIVsize;
int nonZeros;
long long int *masks;
int *h_tempBlock;
int *h_stagingBlock;
int *h_staging_slider;
int *h_staging_stop;
int *h_displacements;
int *d_OpenSlot;
int *d_SlotEnd;
float *d_magnitudes;
int thing;
typedef struct{
char name[100];
int *values;
int *locations;
int count;
int frequency;
float magnitude;
int boolean;
sparseRIV FileToL2(FILE *data);
void consolidateD2S(sparseRIV *destination, int *denseInput);
void setKeyData(int RIVsize, int nonZeros, int blockSize);
int* mapS2D(int * destination, sparseRIV input);
int* makeSparseLocations(int *seeds, int seedCount);
void makeSeeds(unsigned char* word, int **seeds, int *seedCount);
float* cosineCompare(sparseRIV baseRIV, sparseRIV *multipliers, int multiplierCount, float threshold);
void getMagnitudes(sparseRIV *inputs, int RIVCount);
int *mapI2D(int *locations, int seedCount);
sparseRIV text2L2(unsigned char *text);
unsigned char *sscanAdvance(unsigned char **string, unsigned char *word);
sparseRIV FileToL2(FILE *data){
unsigned char *word = (unsigned char*)calloc(2000, 1);
int *seeds = RIVKeyData.h_tempBlock;
int seedCount = 0;
while(fscanf(data, "%s", word)){
makeSeeds(word, &seeds, &seedCount);
memset(word, 0, 2000);
int *locations = makeSparseLocations(seeds, seedCount);
int *L2dense;
L2dense = mapI2D(locations, seedCount);
sparseRIV output;
consolidateD2S( &output, L2dense);
output.boolean = 1;
return output;
float* cosineCompare(sparseRIV baseRIV, sparseRIV *multipliers, int multiplierCount, float threshold){
int *baseDenseRIV = RIVKeyData.h_tempBlock;
mapS2D(baseDenseRIV, baseRIV);
float *outputs = (float*)malloc((multiplierCount)* sizeof(float));
float *output_slider = outputs;
sparseRIV *multipliersStop = multipliers+multiplierCount;
float minsize = baseRIV.magnitude * .75;
float maxsize = baseRIV.magnitude * 1.25;
if(((*multipliers).boolean) /*&& (((*multipliers).magnitude < maxsize) && ((*multipliers).magnitude > minsize))*/){
int dot = 0;
int *values = (*multipliers).values;
int *locations = (*multipliers).locations;
int *locations_Stop = locations+(*multipliers).count;
dot += (*values)*(*(baseDenseRIV+(*locations)));
*output_slider= dot/((baseRIV.magnitude)*((*multipliers).magnitude));
printf("%s\t%s\n%f\n", (*multipliers).name,, *output_slider);
(*multipliers).boolean = 0;
//RIVKeyData.thing ++;
return outputs;
void getMagnitudes(sparseRIV *inputs, int RIVCount){
for(int i=0; i<RIVCount; i++){
int temp = 0;
int *values = inputs[i].values;
int *values_stop = values+inputs[i].count;
temp += (*values)*(*values);
float magnitude = sqrt(temp);
inputs[i].magnitude = magnitude;
//printf("magnitude = %f, \n", magnitude);
int* mapS2D(int* destination, sparseRIV input){
memset(destination, 0, RIVKeyData.RIVsize*sizeof(int));
int *locations_slider = input.locations;
int *values_slider = input.values;
int *locations_stop = locations_slider+input.count;
destination[*locations_slider] = *values_slider;
//HANDLE_ERROR (cudaMemcpy (RIVKeyData.d_OpenSlot, destination, RIVKeyData.RIVsize*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
return destination;
int* mapI2D(int *locations, int valueCount){
int *destination = (int*)calloc(RIVKeyData.RIVsize,sizeof(int));
int *locations_slider = locations;
int *locations_stop = locations_slider+valueCount;
int value = 1;
destination[*locations_slider] +=value;
value = (value == 1)? -1: 1;
return destination;
void consolidateD2S(sparseRIV *destination, int *denseInput){
int count = 0;
(*destination).locations = (int*) malloc(RIVKeyData.RIVsize*sizeof(int));
(*destination).values = (int*) malloc(RIVKeyData.RIVsize*sizeof(int));
for(int i=0; i<RIVKeyData.RIVsize; i++){
(*destination).locations[count] = i;
(*destination).values[count] = denseInput[i];
destination->count = count;
(*destination).locations = (int*) realloc((*destination).locations, (*destination).count*sizeof(int));
(*destination).values = (int*) realloc((*destination).values, (*destination).count*sizeof(int));
void setKeyData(int RIVsize, int nonZeros, int blockSize){
RIVKeyData.RIVsize = RIVsize;
printf("your nonZeros must be an even number");
printf(", changed to %d", nonZeros);
RIVKeyData.nonZeros = nonZeros;
RIVKeyData.masks = (long long int*)malloc(nonZeros*sizeof(long long int));
for(int i = 0; i<nonZeros; i++){
RIVKeyData.masks[i] = SEEDMASK>>(5*i);
RIVKeyData.h_tempBlock = (int*)malloc(blockSize*sizeof(int));
//RIVKeyData.h_stagingBlock = (int*)malloc(blockSize*sizeof(int));
//RIVKeyData.h_staging_slider = RIVKeyData.h_stagingBlock;
RIVKeyData.thing = 0;
void makeSeeds(unsigned char* word, int **seeds, int *seedCount){
int i=0;
int seedbase = 0;
seedbase += (*(word))<<(i*5);
int *seedTrack = (*seeds)+*seedCount;
for(i =0 ; i<RIVKeyData.nonZeros; i++){
*seedTrack = (seedbase>>i)+(3*i);
int* makeSparseLocations(int* seeds, int seedCount){
int *locations = RIVKeyData.h_tempBlock;
int *locations_slider = locations;
int *seeds_stop = seeds+seedCount;
long long int *mask = RIVKeyData.masks;
long long int *mask_stop = mask+RIVKeyData.nonZeros;
*locations_slider =(((*seeds)^(*mask)) & 2147483647) %(RIVKeyData.RIVsize);
if(!(mask<mask_stop)) mask-=RIVKeyData.nonZeros;
return locations;
unsigned char *sscanAdvance(unsigned char **string, unsigned char *word){
unsigned char *word_slider = word;
if(*(*string) == ' ') {
*word_slider = *(*string);
*word_slider = 0;
return word;
sparseRIV text2L2(unsigned char *text){
unsigned char *word = (unsigned char*)calloc(2000, 1);
int *seeds = ( int*)malloc(RIVKeyData.nonZeros*sizeof( int));
unsigned char *text_slider = text;
int seedCount = 0;
sscanAdvance(&text_slider, word);
makeSeeds(word, &seeds, &seedCount);
memset(word, 0, 2000);
int *locations = makeSparseLocations(seeds, seedCount);
int *L2dense;
L2dense = mapI2D(locations, seedCount);
sparseRIV output;
consolidateD2S(&output, L2dense);
return output;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
#define SEEDMASK 25214903917
#define HANDLE_ERROR(err) (HandleError(err, __FILE__, __LINE__))
static void HandleError(cudaError_t err, const char *file, int line){
if(err !=cudaSuccess)
printf("%s in %s at line %d\n", cudaGetErrorString(err), file, line);
__global__ void squirt(float *d_magnitudes, int N){
int id =(blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x);
if(id>=N) return;
d_magnitudes[id] = sqrt(d_magnitudes[id]);
__global__ void generateLocations(int *d_seeds, long long int mask, int *d_locations, int RIVsize, int team, int seedCount, int nonZeros){
int id =nonZeros*(blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x)+team;
if(id>=seedCount) return;
d_locations[id] = ((d_seeds[id]^mask) & 2147483647) %(RIVsize);
__global__ void D2S( int* d_DenseRIV, int* d_SparseValues, int* d_SparseLocations, int *d_NZCount, int d_DenseSize){
int id =(blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x);
if(id>=d_DenseSize) return;
int value = *(d_DenseRIV+id);
if(!value) return;
int sparseSlot = atomicAdd(d_NZCount, 1);
*(d_SparseValues+sparseSlot) = value;
*(d_SparseLocations+sparseSlot) = id;
__global__ void S2D(int *d_locations, int *d_values, int *d_OpenSlot, int numberOfValues){
int id = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if(id>=numberOfValues) return ;
atomicAdd( d_OpenSlot + *(d_locations+id) , *(d_values+id));
__global__ void I2D(int *d_locations, int *d_OpenSlot, int numberOfValues){
int id = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int value = (id%2) ? -1: 1;
if(id>=numberOfValues) return ;
atomicAdd( d_OpenSlot + *(d_locations+id) , value);
void consolidateD2SStaged(sparseRIV *destination, int *denseInput);
void consolidateD2S_d(sparseRIV *destination, int *denseInput);
void setKeyData_d(int RIVsize, int nonZeros, int blockSize);
int* mapS2D_d(int * destination, sparseRIV input);
float *getMagnitudes_d(sparseRIV *inputs, int RIVCount);
int *mapI2D_d(int *locations, int seedCount);
int* makeSparseLocations_d(int* seeds, int seedCount);
float *getMagnitudes_d(sparseRIV *inputs, int RIVCount){
float *magnitudes;
HANDLE_ERROR (cudaMallocHost((float**)&magnitudes,RIVCount*sizeof(float)));
float *magnitudes_slider = magnitudes;
for(int i=0; i<RIVCount; i++){
int temp = 0;
int *values = inputs[i].values;
int *values_stop = values+inputs[i].count;
temp += (*values)*(*values);
*magnitudes_slider = temp;
HANDLE_ERROR (cudaMalloc((void**)&RIVKeyData.d_magnitudes, RIVCount*sizeof(float)));
HANDLE_ERROR (cudaMemcpy (RIVKeyData.d_magnitudes, magnitudes, RIVCount*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
int blockSize;
int minGridSize = 0;
int gridSize;
cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize( &minGridSize, &blockSize, squirt);
gridSize = ((RIVCount + blockSize -1) / blockSize)+1;
squirt<<<gridSize,blockSize >>> (RIVKeyData.d_magnitudes, RIVCount);
HANDLE_ERROR (cudaMemcpy (magnitudes, RIVKeyData.d_magnitudes, RIVCount*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
magnitudes_slider = magnitudes;
for(int i=0; i<RIVCount; i++){
inputs[i].magnitude = *magnitudes_slider;
return magnitudes;
int *mapS2D_d(int* destination, sparseRIV input){
int *d_locations = RIVKeyData.d_OpenSlot+RIVKeyData.RIVsize;
int *d_values = d_locations+input.count;
HANDLE_ERROR (cudaMemset (RIVKeyData.d_OpenSlot, 0, RIVKeyData.RIVsize*sizeof(int)));
HANDLE_ERROR (cudaMemcpy (d_locations, input.locations, input.count*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
HANDLE_ERROR (cudaMemcpy (d_values, input.values, input.count*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
int blockSize;
int minGridSize = 0;
int gridSize;
cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize( &minGridSize, &blockSize, S2D);
gridSize = ((input.count + blockSize -1) / blockSize)+1;
S2D <<<gridSize,blockSize>>> (d_locations, d_values, RIVKeyData.d_OpenSlot, input.count);
HANDLE_ERROR (cudaMemcpy (destination, RIVKeyData.d_OpenSlot, RIVKeyData.RIVsize*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
return destination;
int* mapI2D_d(int *locations, int valueCount){
int *d_locations = RIVKeyData.d_OpenSlot+RIVKeyData.RIVsize;
HANDLE_ERROR (cudaMemset (RIVKeyData.d_OpenSlot, 0, RIVKeyData.RIVsize*sizeof(int)));
HANDLE_ERROR (cudaMemcpy (d_locations, locations, valueCount*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
int blockSize;
int minGridSize = 0;
int gridSize;
cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize( &minGridSize, &blockSize, I2D);
gridSize = ((valueCount + blockSize -1) / blockSize)+1;
I2D <<<gridSize,blockSize>>> (d_locations, RIVKeyData.d_OpenSlot, valueCount);
int* valuesOut = RIVKeyData.h_tempBlock;
HANDLE_ERROR (cudaMemcpy (valuesOut, RIVKeyData.d_OpenSlot, RIVKeyData.RIVsize*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
return valuesOut;
void consolidateD2SStaged(sparseRIV *destination, int *denseInput){
int count = 0;
int *locations = RIVKeyData.h_tempBlock;
int *values = RIVKeyData.h_tempBlock + RIVKeyData.RIVsize;
for(int i=0; i<RIVKeyData.RIVsize; i++){
locations[count] = i;
values[count] = denseInput[i];
int *locations_slider = locations+count;
*RIVKeyData.h_staging_slider = *locations_slider;
(*destination).locations = RIVKeyData.h_staging_slider;
int *values_slider = values+count;
*RIVKeyData.h_staging_slider = *values_slider;
(*destination).values = RIVKeyData.h_staging_slider;
*RIVKeyData.h_staging_slider = count;
*RIVKeyData.h_displacements = RIVKeyData.h_staging_slider -RIVKeyData.h_stagingBlock;
void consolidateD2S_d(sparseRIV *destination, int *denseInput){
int *d_valueCount;
HANDLE_ERROR (cudaMalloc((void**)&d_valueCount, sizeof(int)));
HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemset(d_valueCount, 0, sizeof(int)));
HANDLE_ERROR (cudaMemcpy (RIVKeyData.d_OpenSlot, denseInput, RIVKeyData.RIVsize*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
int *d_outValues = RIVKeyData.d_OpenSlot+RIVKeyData.RIVsize;
int *d_outLocations = d_outValues+RIVKeyData.RIVsize;
int blockSize;
int minGridSize = 0;
int gridSize;
cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize( &minGridSize, &blockSize, D2S);
gridSize = ((RIVKeyData.RIVsize + blockSize -1) / blockSize)+1;
D2S <<<gridSize,blockSize>>> (RIVKeyData.d_OpenSlot, d_outValues, d_outLocations, d_valueCount, RIVKeyData.RIVsize);
HANDLE_ERROR (cudaMemcpy (&(*destination).count, d_valueCount, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
(*destination).locations = RIVKeyData.h_staging_slider;
(*destination).values = RIVKeyData.h_staging_slider;
HANDLE_ERROR (cudaMemcpy ((*destination).values, d_outValues, ((*destination).count)*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
HANDLE_ERROR (cudaMemcpy ((*destination).locations, d_outLocations, ((*destination).count)*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
void setKeyData_d(int RIVsize, int nonZeros, int blockSize){
RIVKeyData.RIVsize = RIVsize;
printf("your nonZeros must be an even number");
printf(", changed to %d", nonZeros);
RIVKeyData.nonZeros = nonZeros;
RIVKeyData.masks = (long long int*)malloc(nonZeros*sizeof(long long int));
for(int i = 0; i<nonZeros; i++){
RIVKeyData.masks[i] = SEEDMASK>>(5*i);
HANDLE_ERROR (cudaMallocHost((void**)&RIVKeyData.h_tempBlock, blockSize*sizeof(int)));
HANDLE_ERROR (cudaMallocHost((void**)&RIVKeyData.h_stagingBlock, blockSize*sizeof(int)));
RIVKeyData.h_staging_stop = RIVKeyData.h_stagingBlock + blockSize;
RIVKeyData.h_staging_slider = RIVKeyData.h_staging_stop;
RIVKeyData.h_displacements = RIVKeyData.h_stagingBlock;
HANDLE_ERROR (cudaMalloc((void**)&RIVKeyData.d_OpenSlot, blockSize*sizeof(int)));
RIVKeyData.d_SlotEnd = RIVKeyData.d_OpenSlot+blockSize;
RIVKeyData.thing = 0;
int* makeSparseLocations_d(int* seeds, int seedCount){
int *d_locations = RIVKeyData.d_OpenSlot;
int *d_seeds = d_locations+seedCount;
HANDLE_ERROR (cudaMemcpy(d_seeds, seeds, seedCount*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
int blockSize;
int minGridSize = 0;
int gridSize;
cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize( &minGridSize, &blockSize, generateLocations);
gridSize = ((seedCount + blockSize -1) / (RIVKeyData.nonZeros*blockSize))+1;
long long int *mask = RIVKeyData.masks;
for(int team=0; team<RIVKeyData.nonZeros; team++){
generateLocations <<<gridSize,blockSize,team>>> (d_seeds, *mask, d_locations, RIVKeyData.RIVsize, team, seedCount, RIVKeyData.nonZeros);
int *locations = RIVKeyData.h_tempBlock;
HANDLE_ERROR (cudaMemcpy(locations, d_locations, seedCount*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
return locations;
void addS2DsBlocked(int *denseBlock, sparseRIV additive, int RIVCount){
int *d_locations= RIVKeyData.d_OpenSlot+RIVCount*RIVKeyData.RIVsize;
int *d_values = d_locations+additive.count;
HANDLE_ERROR (cudaMemcpy (d_locations, additive.locations, additive.count*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
HANDLE_ERROR (cudaMemcpy (d_values, additive.values, additive.count*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
int blockSize;
int minGridSize = 0;
int gridSize;
cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize( &minGridSize, &blockSize, S2Ds);
gridSize = ((additive.count + blockSize -1) / blockSize)+1;
S2Ds<<<additive.count,1>>>(RIVKeyData.d_OpenSlot, d_locations, d_values, additive.count, RIVCount, RIVKeyData.RIVsize);
HANDLE_ERROR (cudaMemcpy (denseBlock, RIVKeyData.d_OpenSlot, RIVCount*RIVKeyData.RIVsize*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
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