Commit 9fd65b3a by etcart

added graphics

parent 9abb263f
File added
/* this DB scan algorithm is not meant to be an example of an easily written
* program. rather it is a useful tool that can be used to validate the contents
* of a lexicon. it will identify, using a density based algorithm
* clusters of vectors. if the lexicon is well formed, these clusters should
* be numerous, as well as containing well related words */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <time.h>
//RIVSIZE macro must be set to the size of the RIVs in the lexicon
#define RIVSIZE 25000
#define CACHESIZE 0
#define EPSILON 0.98
#define MINPOINTS 1
#define UNCHECKED 0
#define NOISE -1
#define MINSIZE 10000
#include "RIVtools.h"
/* the node holds a vector, and metadata:
* -indexes will hold the array indexes of its neighbors
* -indexCount will hold the number of neighbors
* -status will hold its cluster, either a cluster number or "unchecked"
struct DBnode{
sparseRIV RIV;
struct DBnode** neighbors;
int neighborCount;
int status;
void intercompare(struct DBnode* DBset, int nodeCount);
void DBdive(struct DBnode* root, struct DBnode *DBset, int C);
void directoryToL2s(char *rootString, sparseRIV** fileRIVs, int *fileCount);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
if(argc <2){
printf("give me a directory");
return 1;
int fileCount = 0;
sparseRIV *fileRIVs = (sparseRIV*) malloc(1*sizeof(sparseRIV));
char rootString[1000];
strcpy(rootString, argv[1]);
strcat(rootString, "/");
directoryToL2s(rootString, &fileRIVs, &fileCount);
printf("fileCount: %d\n", fileCount);
/* an array of nodes, one for each vector */
struct DBnode DBset[fileCount];
/* fill the node array with vectors and initialize metadata */
for(int i = 0; i < fileCount; i++){
fileRIVs[i].magnitude = getMagnitudeSparse(fileRIVs[i]);
DBset[i].RIV = fileRIVs[i];
/* a single malloc for later realloc'ing */
DBset[i].neighbors = malloc(sizeof(struct DBnode*));
DBset[i].neighborCount = 0;
DBset[i].status = UNCHECKED;
/* fileRIVs was only temporary */
intercompare(DBset, fileCount);
int C = 0;
for(int i=0; i<fileCount; i++){
if(DBset[i].status) continue;
if(DBset[i].neighborCount <MINPOINTS){
DBset[i].status = NOISE;
printf("\ncluster %d\n", C);
DBset[i].status = C;
printf("root: %s, %d, %lf\n", DBset[i], DBset[i].RIV.frequency, DBset[i].RIV.magnitude);
DBdive(&DBset[i], DBset, C);
return 0;
void DBdive(struct DBnode* root, struct DBnode *DBset, int C){
for(int i = 0; i < root->neighborCount; i++){
/* if this node is not already claimed by a cluster */
if(root->neighbors[i]->status > 0){
/* for easier coding, put it in a local variable */
struct DBnode *branch = root->neighbors[i];
printf(">>%s, %d, %lf\n", branch->, branch->RIV.frequency, branch->RIV.magnitude);
/* include this in the cluster C */
branch->status = C;
/* if this branch has enough neighbors to spread */
if(branch->neighborCount > MINPOINTS){
/* recursive dive into next branch */
DBdive(branch, DBset, C);
/* fileRIVs and fileCount are accessed as pointers, so that we can find them changed outside this function
void directoryToL2s(char *rootString, sparseRIV** fileRIVs, int *fileCount){
DIR *directory;
struct dirent *files = 0;
if(!(directory = opendir(rootString))){
printf("location not found, %s\n", rootString);
if(*(files->d_name) == '.') continue;
if(files->d_type == DT_DIR){
/* the lexicon should not have valid sub-directories */
denseRIV* temp = lexPull(files->d_name);
/* if the vector has been encountered more than MINSIZE times
* then it should be statistically significant, and useful */
if(temp->contextSize >MINSIZE){
(*fileRIVs) = (sparseRIV*)realloc((*fileRIVs), ((*fileCount)+1)*sizeof(sparseRIV));
(*fileRIVs)[(*fileCount)] = normalize(*temp, 500);
(*fileRIVs)[(*fileCount)].magnitude = temp->magnitude;
strcpy((*fileRIVs)[(*fileCount)].name, files->d_name);
void intercompare(struct DBnode* DBset, int nodeCount){
double cosine;
denseRIV baseDense;
for(int i=0; i<nodeCount; i++){
/* map the RIV in question to a dense for comparison */
memset(baseDense.values, 0, RIVSIZE*sizeof(int));
addS2D(baseDense.values, DBset[i].RIV);
baseDense.magnitude = DBset[i].RIV.magnitude;
/* for each previous vector */
for(int j=i+1; j<nodeCount; j++){
/* get cosine distance to that vector */
cosine = cosCompare(baseDense, DBset[j].RIV);
/* if this pair is close enough */
/* add the pairing to each node's list of neighbors */
DBset[i].neighbors = realloc(DBset[i].neighbors, (DBset[i].neighborCount+1)*sizeof(struct DBnode*));
DBset[j].neighbors = realloc(DBset[j].neighbors, (DBset[j].neighborCount+1)*sizeof(struct DBnode*));
DBset[i].neighbors[DBset[i].neighborCount++] = &DBset[j];
DBset[j].neighbors[DBset[j].neighborCount++] = &DBset[i];
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ typedef struct{
int *values;
int *locations;
size_t count;
double magnitude;
float magnitude;
int contextSize;
int frequency;
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ typedef struct{
int cached;
char name[100];
int frequency;
double magnitude;
float magnitude;
int contextSize;
int values[RIVSIZE];
File added
File added
#include <stdio.h>
#define RIVSIZE 25000
#define CACHESIZE 0
#include "RIVtools.h"
#include <dirent.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
denseRIV* intake;
sparseRIV examine;
static denseRIV *output[60000] = {0};
DIR *directory;
struct dirent *files = 0;
if(!(directory = opendir(argv[1]))){
printf("location not found, %s\n", argv[1]);
return 1;
int i=0;
if(*(files->d_name) == '.') continue;
if(files->d_type == DT_DIR){
/* the lexicon should not have valid sub-directories */
intake = lexPull(files->d_name);
/* if the vector has been encountered more than MINSIZE times
* then it should be statistically significant, and useful */
examine = normalize(*intake, 500);
strcpy(, files->d_name);
printf("%d,%d,%lf,%s\n", examine.frequency, examine.contextSize, examine.magnitude,;
output[i] = calloc(1, sizeof(denseRIV));
addS2D(output[i]->values, examine);
output[i]->magnitude = examine.magnitude;
strcpy(output[i]->name, files->d_name);
output[i]->frequency = intake->frequency;
for(int j=0; j<i; j++){
return 0;
File added
......@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ int fLexPush(denseRIV* output){
fwrite(&temp.count, 1, sizeof(size_t), lexWord);
fwrite(&RIVout.frequency, 1, sizeof(int), lexWord);
fwrite(&RIVout.contextSize, 1, sizeof(int), lexWord);
fwrite(&RIVout.contextSize, 1, sizeof(unsigned int), lexWord);
fwrite(&RIVout.magnitude, 1, sizeof(float), lexWord);
fwrite(temp.locations, temp.count, sizeof(int), lexWord);
fwrite(temp.values, temp.count, sizeof(int), lexWord);
......@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ int fLexPush(denseRIV* output){
temp.count = 0;
fwrite(&temp.count, 1, sizeof(size_t), lexWord);
fwrite(&RIVout.frequency, 1, sizeof(int), lexWord);
fwrite(&RIVout.contextSize, 1, sizeof(int), lexWord);
fwrite(&RIVout.contextSize, 1, sizeof(unsigned int), lexWord);
fwrite(&RIVout.magnitude, 1, sizeof(float), lexWord);
fwrite(RIVout.values, RIVSIZE, sizeof(int), lexWord);
......@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ denseRIV* fLexPull(FILE* lexWord){
/* get metadata for vector */
fread(&typeCheck, 1, sizeof(size_t), lexWord);
fread(&output->frequency, 1, sizeof(int), lexWord);
fread(&output->contextSize, 1, sizeof(int), lexWord);
fread(&output->contextSize, 1, sizeof(unsigned int), lexWord);
fread(&output->magnitude, 1, sizeof(float), lexWord);
/* first value stored is the value count if sparse, and 0 if dense */
......@@ -269,8 +269,6 @@ int cacheDump(){
void signalSecure(int signum, siginfo_t *si, void* arg){
puts("cache dump failed, some lexicon data lost");
puts("cache dumped successfully");
signal(signum, SIG_DFL);
kill(getpid(), signum);
......@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ sparseRIV normalize(denseRIV input, int factor){
values[count]= round(input.values[i]*multiplier);
/* drop any 0 values */
if(values[count] > 1)count++;
sparseRIV output;
output.count = count;
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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data = open("../code/RIVet/graphdata.txt", "r");
frequencies = [];
mags = [];
i = 0;
for line in data:
if(mags[i]>80 and frequencies[i]>7000 and frequencies[i]<15000):
plt.scatter(frequencies, mags)
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